We are Music AI








Team Members

This is Music AI

Music.AI is a Complementary AI-powered music and audio platform used by record labels, agencies, technology firms, and developers. Our team is a dynamic and creative collective of innovative technologists and passionate music/audio professionals committed to bridging the gap between academic research and industry.

We are dedicated to supplying robust tools that deliver exceptional value, making AI accessible to all, and honoring the interests of musicians, vocalists, composers, and rightsholders. At Music.AI, we view artificial intelligence as a collaborative tool to enhance creativity and drive business.

With over 40 million users harnessing the tools fueled by Music.AI, we process more than a million minutes of audio daily.

Established in 2019, Music.AI has a global team of over 80 employees based in Salt Lake City, New York, Europe, and Brazil.

This is Music AI

Our ethical approach at Music AI

Respect others

We’re a tech company, but we are also musicians. We respect our fellow musicians, vocalists, composers, and rightsholders.

Do no harm

We believe AI can effectively add value to music and audio without infringing upon the rights of creators, rightsholders, or individuals.

Tools, not replacements

Our goal is to build tools to complement the creative processes in audio and music, not to replace people.

Creative synergy

We embrace the power of AI as a collaborative tool and honor creativity.

Our Leadership Team

Backed by

Music.AI is backed by top-tier institutional technology investors from the US and Brazil.

Toba Capital

Join the team behind our mission

Help unlock everyone’s creative potential through music.